I am having difficulty organizing a cohesive list of what my goals are. I remember two quips about goals. One was, “You’ve got to name it to claim it.” And the other was, “You’ve got to pursue your dreams because your dreams cannot pursue you.”
As a newly minted 53 year old, I attest that I have always had difficulty sticking with a plan, let alone having any methodology to achieve any goals I have set for myself.
My primary goal needs to be my health. I’ve always been obese and I’ve been diabetic for the past 15 years, which I have failed to manage properly. To begin my fitness journey I will walk four miles today. My fiancé, Daniel, and I weighed ourselves and took each other’s measurements on August 7th. These will be our baseline for tracking our health improvements in the following months. I will schedule an appointment with an diabetic specialist and work with them to get the medications needed to manage my blood sugar levels.
So that is goal number 1. Next will be to apply S.M.A.R.T. goals to aid in my success in achieving this goal, or rather, creating new habits that will foster a healthier lifestyle.