… My head is bloody, but unbowed.
William Earnest Henley “Invictus”
I think one of my enemies has a voodoo doll of me and has been dunking it’s head in green goo.
Today is day 6 of having this cold from hell. I decided to risk being a pariah to my co-workers and come into work this morning, but after being here for half an hour I’m beginning to reconsider that choice. A good friend told me, “Hunter, you have six months of sick leave…duh.” I may follow her sage advice and call it a week.
Time stops for no man and this weekend is no exception. I plan on spending Friday-Monday in Seattle with a good friend and he’s already got my dance card so full and I have nothing to wear. 🙂 We’ve got a rooftop party Saturday morning, a boat cruise on Puget Sound in the afternoon, Diesel that evening, and the next morning is Pride, followed by the Cuff Block Party afterwards. I haven’t been to a Seattle Pride Parade since 2002 – that’s almost 50 gay years!
Leave it to me to order my gay bear t-shirt for Pride back in May and I got notice that it shipped yesterday and isn’t expected to arrive here in Moses Lake until this Saturday when I’ll already be gone. I wonder if I should go onto Amazon and order something queer-appropriate for the day or just go sans t-shirt. I’m pretty white and if it’s sunny I’ll crisp. I know my friend will be shirtless the entire time, but he’s got the body to pull it off. Me? I might frighten the children.
It’s good to be putting myself back out there. A lot of people from my past are coming back into the foreground, while a lot of people that were in me and my ex’s orbit are now moving to my periphery.