Tuesday, January 24, 2017
This is my first drawing from the photo of the “mammoth” water tender. Since the only picture I have to work off is at an angle, the proportions are skewed. I need to either take another photo straight on, or I need to sketch a new proportional mammoth (I think I’ll do the later).
I have an idea to have this design silkscreened in white onto red t-shirts to raise money for the Okanogan County Fire District #6. I would like not get around a dozen shirts printed for the March 12th firefighter stairclimb in Seattle.
Today is the first day this year that the buses are running on time and I was able to go to the gym this morning for a couple of hours and now I’m at my local Starbucks relaxing for a couple minutes before having to go into work. My boss said I could come in at 9:00 AM this morning and I decided I’d take him up on that.